
Void Luna

Slightly Evil, Slightly Lewd, Sometimes Funny, Always Memeing, Void Bun, Variety VTuber.Slight addiction to coffee, vodka, and Sonic Cranberry Slushies. I yeet toasters from time to time, but don't worry, it's mostly at my Mod.I stream tons of different games on Twitch, I love interacting with my community and look forward to seeing you all there.

Luna was born a Miqo'te, leaving her clan at a tender age. She decided to live as a stray, rather than be just another nameless/faceless member of her clan Nunh's harem. She was always different than the others, she knew it from the time she was a kitten, when sharing one breeding male with every other female in the clan did not appeal to her in the slightest. She would rather be alone than lower herself to such depths, praying for scraps of attention each time she went into her needing. That's what she called it anyway, she heard others call it a heat. Either way, she wasn't about to wait in line for her turn, having no claim to the male while he had a claim to them all. That was a big nope for her.Little did she know, the rough life she chose out in the world with no clan to protect her, would get much more complicated. She was in her 20's when she stumbled into a cave to escape a raging Amalj'aa that was chasing her after she pilfered a meal from his spit-roast. She couldn't remember how long ago it was, as the details got fuzzy with the passage of time, but she would never forget what she found in that cave... or rather, what found her. As she ran blindly through the dark cave, she started to notice an unnatural amount of heat, as the cave got larger rather than smaller. Before she knew it, she realized she could see easier, and as she looked around her eyes landed on a set of eyes watching her curiously. She had never felt a deeper level of evil in any encounter in her short life. It poured off this creature in waves, and Luna was sure her life would be forfeit that day.It turned out, she was in more danger than she realized that day. She found out later, that the creature was Diabolos. Like the Nunh of her youth, he tried to make her part of his harem, to which she stubbornly told him she would rather die with dignity than live as a concubine. Something about her refusal to back down, even knowing she would lose, gave him pause. Instead of striking her down, he decided to attempt to sway her mind to accept her fate, but the moment he touched her face the area erupted in a bright white light. The next thing she knew she was flat on her ass and he was in front of her flat on his. She looked up at him as he stared at her in anger and confusion. She didnt know it, but a curious manifestation of the 'echo' was to blame for the display. Something about it being called into action at the same moment as contact was made with Diabolos, caused a change in her.As she stared at him, he growled at her to leave, and never return. She ran until she could run no more, stopping at a lake. She leaned over to take a drink, gasping at her reflection. The eyes staring back at her were an unnatural shade of red, where previously they had been a pretty amethyst. Small horns of the same color adorned her head. Over the years it became clear she stopped aging that day. She gained the ability to dream walk, allowing her to enter the dreams of others as an observer. As Luna's full power's awakened, she found she could command the void, entering the realm at will and having the ability to command its denizens. She was also able to shapeshift to any race she had encountered, usually opting for Viera, although she appeared to be the most petite of any she encountered. She outlived everyone she knew, shedding her given name for a chosen one, her new start in her new home.She found a place to call home, and began building her community there as the "Void Bun". She found ample enjoyment from playing games and memeing with those close to her, while making new friends and laughing with them as often as possible. She hopes you enjoy her content and will join her on her adventures. They are always full of laughs and fun times. Come play in Void Luna's Playground. Don't worry, she doesn't bite... hard.